Match Results (Overall)
Class Final
Match Results (Extras)
The Oregon Old West
Shooting Society put on its Sunday monthly Cowboy Action Shooting match with a
great turn out. We had 68 shooters show up for a very eventful day.
Congratulations to Lightning Jolt as our Overall Match Winner and Katie Kaboom
as Overall Women's shooter. Thanks to those who donated to the prize table;
Grumpy and Warmheart, Territorial Ryder and Hell Fire. Also thanks to Hurricane
for the delicious beans and ham dish. Glad you all could make it and we
appreciate your support.
Remember we shoot again
Saturday, January 24th.
Hope to see you all
The attached reports of the match are in Adobe
Acrobat Reader. If you are unable to read them please download the viewer
here. Adobe
Acrobat Reader, available free.
Mid Valley Drifter
# 35724
Webmaster/Score Keeper
Oregon Old West Shooting Society
COLT: The original point & click interface.