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The beginning of Summer is definitely upon us!! 24 shooters enjoyed (?)
90 degree weather at our Saturday match. The stages held a little bit of
everything. Thanks you all of you who helped set up, tear down, donated
prizes, etc. Thanks to Grumpy and Warmheart for score keeping, lunch
running, late night stage editing, and moral support!!
We would also like to thank, Cas Costalot and his wife for spending some
time with us this afternoon. It was great to see you both, and thanks for
spotting Cas!
Congratulations to Warmheart for being Top Lady shooter and to Mountain
Rider for being the overall match winner (and the only clean match)!
We had a couple of people get blue ribbons for the first time, and a couple
of people who got overall ribbons for the first time. I did hear a lot of
"I love EoT" as awards were given out!
We also need to give style points to Barry L. Plotz for arriving at the
match in a 1909 Paterson. It was very cool.
Don't forget that next month we are hosting the State Games of Oregon, on
July 9th. This takes the place of are regular SATURDAY match.
You must sign up on line and time is
running out. You can also shoot the match in K. Falls if
you are going to be in the Southern area. See our web site for more
information. Our Sunday match will be held on it's regular day. Hope to
see you down the trail real soon.
Assistant Match Director
Oregon Old West Shooting Society